Advertising Article

Advertising in the Sidebar

1 month  € 15  -  2 months  € 25  -  3 months  € 30

6 months  € 50  -  12 months  € 80

The pricelist includes the creation of a advertising poster positioned in the sidebar, so it is always visible even changing the pages of reading

For information :

Free Advertising      international guide    

To add your free advertising  in the international guide of the mistresses send an e-mail to with the following information :

.1  The country where you want to be visible and possibly the city
.2  Address of your website
.3  One photos of preference

you can place your free advertising in 2 locations of your choice

Free Advertising     News Mistresses    

it is a new area in which the Mistresses can publish their articles or ads autonomously sending a e-mail to  with the following information : 

.1  Title of article - or announcement, or news
.2  Text of article with your references and art name
.3  One photography
.4  Send article in English only 

The visitors of website can easily access to the area News Mistresses through the homonym button that is always visible in the horizontal navigation menu

Your article will be published in the area News Mistresses and obviously it will divest a position after the addition of another article, and so on... 
Maximum of 2 articles each month

For activate your free advertising you need to add this banner in a page of your website and it must be connected to this address -