The world average of women in parliament slightly exceeds the 22%, therefore, today in the world still prevails the masculine political ideology that however undergoes the pressure of continuous increase of Women Parliamentarians ; it will be a long and laborious path, but is very likely that the Women will arrive to dominate the world parliamentary scenery, meantime, in many countries the women parliamentary representation has overcomed the threshold of 30% and sometimes of 40%
Prophesy the diffusion of an international political elaborated with a female ideological prevalence is not a sin, and not even fanaticism, it is instead a natural desire of the Women that stems from the will of participation aimed to the interruption of the political hegemony of men, but without touch the excesses of the misandry or gynarchy, moreover, with the advent of this womanly conquest could emerge new social solutions directed to the general improvement of quality of life and to the reduction of national and international political tensions.
In America is ongoing the election campaign for the office of President of the United States in 2016, and the leading candidate to ultimate success is a Woman that if it should triumph could instill a contagious enthusiasm in Women of every country, furthermore, it would be a ephocal turning that could accelerate the process of conquest of the women related to the their political power on the international stage.
Until today the political ideologies of the men have dominated the planet, consequently, it is desirable and appropriate that also the women can go to conquer a world political hegemony cycle in which concretize their peculiar intellectual faculties with the contribution of a active masculine minority, and if will be roses, they will bloom...